Distance between Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal and The Cape Panorama Lodge cape town, Heldersig Street is 1337.9 km
Speed |
Time |
120 Km/h (75 mph) |
11 Hours 9 minutes |
100 Km/h (62 mph) |
13 Hours 23 minutes |
80 Km/h (49 mph) |
16 Hours 43 minutes |
70 Km/h (43 mph) |
19 Hours 7 minutes |
60 Km/h (37 mph) |
22 Hours 18 minutes |
45 Km/h (28 mph) |
29 Hours 44 minutes |
30 Km/h (18 mph) |
44 Hours 36 minutes |
Distance from Kokstad to The Cape Panorama Lodge cape town.
The driving distance between Kokstad and The Cape Panorama Lodge cape town is 1337.9km and it would take you 16 Hours 43 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
The Cycling time between Kokstad and The Cape Panorama Lodge cape town is approximately 35 Hours 13 minutes
If you wanted to take a Walk from Kokstad to The Cape Panorama Lodge cape town, it would take 267 Hours 35 minutes
however if you were to take a Run it would take you 133 Hours 48 minutes.
The GPS Coordinates of Kokstad, KwaZulu-Natal are (Latitude: -30.5475 Longitude: 29.4244444)
Other Distances from Kokstad