Distance between Kokstad, KZN and Mandini, KZN is 363.7 km
Speed |
Time |
120 Km/h (75 mph) |
3 Hours 2 minutes |
100 Km/h (62 mph) |
3 Hours 38 minutes |
80 Km/h (49 mph) |
4 Hours 33 minutes |
70 Km/h (43 mph) |
5 Hours 12 minutes |
60 Km/h (37 mph) |
6 Hours 4 minutes |
45 Km/h (28 mph) |
8 Hours 5 minutes |
30 Km/h (18 mph) |
12 Hours 7 minutes |
Distance from Kokstad to Mandini.
The driving distance between Kokstad and Mandini is 363.7km and it would take you 4 Hours 33 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
Kokstad is a town in KZN and Mandini is a suburb in KZN
The Flying time between Kokstad and Mandini is 0 Hours 16 minutes since you would need to travel 246.4 km.
The Cycling time between Kokstad and Mandini is approximately 9 Hours 34 minutes
If you wanted to take a Walk from Kokstad to Mandini, it would take 72 Hours 45 minutes
however if you were to take a Run it would take you 36 Hours 22 minutes.
The GPS Coordinates of Kokstad, KZN are (Latitude: -30.5475 Longitude: 29.4244444)
and the GPS Coordinates of Mandini, KZN are (Latitude: -29.1529117 Longitude: 31.4103067)
Other Distances from Kokstad