Distance between Bloemfontein, Suid-Afrika and Komatipoort, Suid-Afrika is 847.4 km

@ Speed Time
120 Km/h (75 mph) 7 Hours 4 minutes
100 Km/h (62 mph) 8 Hours 28 minutes
80 Km/h (49 mph) 10 Hours 36 minutes
70 Km/h (43 mph) 12 Hours 6 minutes
60 Km/h (37 mph) 14 Hours 7 minutes
45 Km/h (28 mph) 18 Hours 50 minutes
30 Km/h (18 mph) 28 Hours 15 minutes

Distance from Bloemfontein to Komatipoort.

The driving distance between Bloemfontein and Komatipoort is 847.4km and it would take you 10 Hours 36 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
Bloemfontein is a city in Suid-Afrika and Komatipoort is a suburb in Suid-Afrika

The Flying time between Bloemfontein and Komatipoort is 0 Hours 47 minutes since you would need to travel 699.6 km.

The Cycling time between Bloemfontein and Komatipoort is approximately 22 Hours 18 minutes
If you wanted to take a Walk from Bloemfontein to Komatipoort, it would take 169 Hours 29 minutes
however if you were to take a Run it would take you 84 Hours 45 minutes.

The GPS Coordinates of Bloemfontein, Suid-Afrika are (Latitude: -29.1163947 Longitude: 26.2154956)
and the GPS Coordinates of Komatipoort, Suid-Afrika are (Latitude: -25.4327778 Longitude: 31.9558333)

Other Distances from Bloemfontein

Route Driving Time
Bloemfontein to Coffee Bay 8 Hours 47 minutes
Bloemfontein to Edenburg 1 Hours 12 minutes
Bloemfontein to Komatipoort 12 Hours 6 minutes
Bloemfontein to Malmesbury 14 Hours 11 minutes