Rules for Advertising

All Free Adverts must follow these rules

- You must post fresh and Original content - ie. Do not post information used on your website or from any other classified site you have used.
- Submit good quality information, your advert must also be long enough!.
- We reserve the right to remove any adverts that do not follow our terms and conditions.

Where will my business appear?
When you have posted your listing, it will appear on our home-page, this will be seen by all 60,000 visitors per month.
Your listing will also appear in our search results and a category of your choice, it may drop positions as new ads are created, but you can come back and push it back to number 1 for free. This website offers free advertising for websites and business owners, our only requirement is that you post original content about your business or website.

Yes, I promise to post new and original content in my ad!