Distance between Bloemfontein, Free State and Joberg Holding ApS, Vendersgade is 14133.7 km
Speed |
Time |
120 Km/h (75 mph) |
117 Hours 47 minutes |
100 Km/h (62 mph) |
141 Hours 20 minutes |
80 Km/h (49 mph) |
176 Hours 41 minutes |
70 Km/h (43 mph) |
201 Hours 55 minutes |
60 Km/h (37 mph) |
235 Hours 34 minutes |
45 Km/h (28 mph) |
314 Hours 5 minutes |
30 Km/h (18 mph) |
471 Hours 8 minutes |
Distance from Bloemfontein to Joberg Holding ApS.
The driving distance between Bloemfontein and Joberg Holding ApS is 14133.7km and it would take you 176 Hours 41 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
The Cycling time between Bloemfontein and Joberg Holding ApS is approximately 371 Hours 57 minutes
If you wanted to take a Walk from Bloemfontein to Joberg Holding ApS, it would take 2826 Hours 49 minutes
however if you were to take a Run it would take you 1413 Hours 25 minutes.
The GPS Coordinates of Bloemfontein, Free State are (Latitude: -29.1163947 Longitude: 26.2154956)
Other Distances from Bloemfontein