Distance between Kempton Park, South Africa and Letsitele, Letsitele is 427.8 km
Speed |
Time |
120 Km/h (75 mph) |
3 Hours 34 minutes |
100 Km/h (62 mph) |
4 Hours 17 minutes |
80 Km/h (49 mph) |
5 Hours 21 minutes |
70 Km/h (43 mph) |
6 Hours 7 minutes |
60 Km/h (37 mph) |
7 Hours 8 minutes |
45 Km/h (28 mph) |
9 Hours 30 minutes |
30 Km/h (18 mph) |
14 Hours 16 minutes |
Distance from Kempton Park to Letsitele.
The driving distance between Kempton Park and Letsitele is 427.8km and it would take you 5 Hours 21 minutes if you average 80 km/h (49 mph).
The distance was calculated from Kempton Park, South Africa to Letsitele, Letsitele (by road)
The Cycling time between Kempton Park and Letsitele is approximately 11 Hours 15 minutes
If you wanted to take a Walk from Kempton Park to Letsitele, it would take 85 Hours 34 minutes
however if you were to take a Run it would take you 42 Hours 47 minutes.
The GPS Coordinates of Kempton Park, South Africa are (Latitude: -26.0963889 Longitude: 28.2336111)
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