Welcome to our Distance Calculator
You can calculate all your South African journeys online for free
Simply enter two locations, and click calculate, to plan your trip!
Finding Accommodation In South Africa

There are various Guest houses, BnB's all across the country. Before booking at a guest house have a look at their website, and facilities to make sure you are happy with their accommodation. Many BnB's also have cheaper rates if you book long in advance.

Plan Ahead: Always visit the guest house owners website, if they dont have one, I suggest you try another guest house.

Beware of cheap offers: The old cliche, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is, look out for very low travel deals of accommodation or car rental, this can often lead to dead ends.

Get Confirmation: Get a written confirmation of any establishment you may have paid a deposit for.

Check Directions: If you are traveling by car, make sure you have the correct directions, cross reference any directions with various websites to make sure you will arrive at the correct street names, this is a common mistake, also be sure the GPS coordinates you have are actually leading you to the correct destination.
All about Maps

Maps can be difficult to use while planning your trip, with the advances in the internet we wanted to build a free tool that allows you to enter a street name or travel destination and get an exact estimate regarding your journey.

Our World map will then plot your route along the road to your chosen destination, this means you can see your directions online. A street map can be seen if you zoom in close enough, this helps you plot your next vacation or important business meeting.

It allows you to calculate the distance between town, between cities or even from two street names across the world. There are occasions when the calculator will not be able to predict your journey, this could be if there is no valid route between the points or our service cannot determine the distance based on the given start and end points. You will never gain have to worry about planning your route